Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Not A Good Day!!

I have to admit to everyone that sometimes I do the stupidest things. Yesterday I decided to make a Beef Roast.  I have not eaten beef in a very long time, because it is not part of my diet. However when we went grocery shopping it was on sale so I figured, why not. It was cheaper then what I usually buy. So for dinner we had roast and pasta salad.  It was very good, however, I had stomach pains later that night. Being that it was a huge roast there were left overs. So today for dinner I had warmed up roast and pasta salad.  It was even better tonight then last night.  However the outcome was much much worse.  Right after I finished eating, I had the worst pains, feeling like someone was stabbing my in the stomach and just twisting the knife around.

I sent my daughter a text message telling her to never let me eat beef again,  I think I would rather go hungry then to eat something I'm not suppose to ever again.

We all learn from our mistakes and I have to say that I learned a big lesson today.

Until next time stay safe

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. Yup I know that pain well. Due to traveling and limited food choices I had a hamburger on Tuesday. Need I tell you what happened right after?
